My dear friend there are no words to describe the heartbreaking sorrow felt by losing such a special & loving person. We shared some wonderful times together and I will miss you terribly. R.I.P Wendy
13th November 2020
My beautiful big sister, my earliest memories are of you, you played with me, tormented me, scared me but mostly you loved me. We lived together, worked together, drank together and laughter together. We used to sit at either side of the living room and throw maltesers at each other to see who could catch the most in their mouth and then roll about in fits of giggles. Life will never be ok again without you in it, I will love and miss you always my amazing Wendy. Jane xxx
16th October 2020
If family and friends could fix this then we would.
If we could time travel then we would.
if we could have one wish we know what that would be.
But what we can do is be here with arms as wide open as they can be, shoulders firm to lean onto and ears ready to listen.
Because that’s what family and friends are for. Xx
15th October 2020